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The theme of this website is Education.  There are three books.  

      Book 1 Genealogy. 
      Book 2 History
      Book 3 – My Autobiography – Private Area

Book 1 – Genealogy has two chapters.  

     Chapter 1 – Instruction.  Information to collect, and rules for data entry, forms, reports

     Chapter 2 – Research – Methods for collecting information. Types and Sources of Information


Book 2 – History has 5 Chapters.

     Chapter 1 – Geography – Geographic Features such as water, islands, countries, nature of planet, methods of survey

     Chapter 2 – World War Years – World War I, Interim Period, and World War II

     Chapter 3 – European History – Countries, Rulers, Dynasties, Wars, etc.

     Chapter 4 – North American History – Canada, USA, Central America, Carribbean, Colonial Eras, Acquisition of Territory, Civil War, Colonial Possessions, Population Groups.

     Chapter 5 – Ohio History

I started this website as a place to showcase over 50 years of writing articles about genealogy and to emphasize the importance of using history to understand the lives of ancestors. If one only collects statistics, a story about a family is not created. This requires historical research. Althought the basic purpose of this website is to provide information useful to those doing family history (genealogy) research, history is includes because of the author’s background as a history teacher for his love of history and to enhance genealogy findings.

This site has nearly 90 chapters covering a wide variety of topics.  Each book has a main menu. The site map can help you pinpoint a particular topic since it lists all of the chapters.  

I considered finding a publisher and creating a traditional bound textbook, but such a book requires a rewrite to add material.  A website is dynamic.  I can continue to add new material anytime I see a need.

If a course in genealogy is taught at a university, it would be in the history department. I hope this website contains interesting reading and will be a useful resource for genealogists, for educators, and for anyone who just has a desire for knowlege.

The Author:

I am an Ohio native of Welsh descent. I Served in the military (20 years), then became a teacher for 30 years in Ohio, Utah and Florida at both high schools and universities. I graduated from Bowling Green State University in Ohio with two bachelor degrees (Business Education and History) and a Master’s Degree in Education.
As a member and officer in several genealogy societies, both at the local and international level, I have been actively engaged in Family History/Genealogy research for over fifty years, teaching and lecturing in universities, ethnic events, family reunions, and conferences, and have authored many articles about family history.  
I have held a research permit at the National Archives and spent three years doing research in the Welsh National Library in Aberystwyth, Wales. While in England, my wife and I published a monthly periodical about genealogy called “Kith and Kin”. I also helped design and beta test several genealogy computer programs. I have indexed and arbitrated thousands of documents for Family Search, including American Indian census records. My historical interest in Native American culture led to me publish on-line, “A Linguistic Analysis of Native American Languages.”. I also published “A Genealogists Guide to the History of North and Central America and the Islands of the Caribbean”. Much of the material from that publication is integrated into this website.
I have served three missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. One was on-line, helping users of with questions and problems.
My articles in this site are copyrighted. Feel free to link to any article, but do not copy and republish without my permission.

Bob Penry 

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