
Archelogical evidence indicates that humans were in the southwest area of England, Norfolk 800,000 years ago.  At the end of the glacial period, men began to arive in the area about 13,000 years ago.  These people were mostly Celtic tribes known as Britons who had crossed the English Channel and from the Iberian Peninsula. In 43 C.E., Roman conquest of Britain began, With Roman Legions remaining in Britain until the 5th Century. In the early middle ages about 577, Germanic Anglo-Saxons arrived. The Anglo-Saxon language is the source of the English Language, which has changed throughout he centuries, bearing little resemblence to the original Anglo-Saxon language. At various times, there were attacks by Danish Vikings who settled some areas, especially in the North-eastern part of England.  Christiantity arrived about the 600 replacing Pagan practices which died out by 800. There were several ingdoms established, the most prominent were Mercia, Northumbria, Kent, East Anglia, Essex, Sussex and Wessex. The most powerful was Mercia. The year 1066 saw the invasion of the Normans from Northern France. The Normans were originally Viking who settled Normandy in the 800’s.  The Norse language has disappeared in Normandy, replaced by French, which was introduced into Britain, becoming the offical language of the nobility until 1362 when it was replaced by English. England contained the monarchy in the British Isles, which made it the dominant and ruling country.  Over the centuries, the British Empire grew until it contained about 25% of the World’s population. Starting with the American Revolution, the British Empire gradually crumbled and no longer exists.  During its history, England has not seen many years of peace.  Wars with America, Spain, France and uprising in India and other colonies and even wars betweeen noble families and changes of Royal Lines have dominated. The 1st and 2nd World Wars were devastating, especially Wold War II, through bombing and rockets and by German occupation of the Channel Islands and German submarine attacks in coastal waters.  Most of the information in the paragraph came from Wiki articles.

These links will give your more information about England:  

England – Wikipedia., 

Celts – Wikipedia

Angles (tribe) – Wikipedia

Roman Britain – Wikipedia

Kingdom of England – Wikipedia

Norman Conquest – Wikipedia

Acts of Supremacy – Wikipedia

British Empire – Wikipedia

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